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Re: [LUG] [OT] Can anyone recommend a good web host?


On 11/05/07, Andrew Spillman <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have a spare PC to run as a server but I want it accessible from
> Internet all the time. My ISP gives me a dynamic IP, would I need a
> static one? Could I host my own mail server?
> I don't know where to start with this.

Running your own email server is more hassle than it's worth -
especially for mail servers - you can get hosted mail services with
anti-spam, decent backups, proper admin, connectivity, archiving and
web access for a couple of quid a month, or use hosted google for your

You could use static ip or dynamic dns (which gets update
automatically or manually) to host at home, but that's again, more
trouble than it's worth.

I tend to use Bytemark virtual machines (1 per client) as they are
pretty cheap (especially after my referral and free software author
discounts) and very helpful - 15 quid a month plus vat for your own
linux server on the internet.

You could actually run almost all .aspx on Linux using Mono, but I
assume your .net code uses a whole bunch of other stuff that is
MS-only, if not then mono could definately be an option.


LAMP System Integration, Development and Hosting

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