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Re: [LUG] Are we too technical for our own good ?


Tom Brough wrote:
> I know that a lot of people on this group will be appalled that I am 
> going to suggest this, and I have mixed feelings about it myself, but I 
> would suggest that we have a questions & answers ONLY email address that 
> people can subscribe to separately...

> I'm sure there are many gems of  GNU/Linux wisdom to be found in this 
> lists archive, but again sniffing them out from the archive takes time, 
> a more concentrated Q&A mail group might at least speed up the filtering 
> process.

It might well, but why would such a group need
to be local?  For the general discussion and
community building like we have here, it makes
sense to have a local/regional list.  But if
someone just wants simple answers from seasoned
users, then why would they need the list to be

Actually, I'll answer my own question (just in
case anyone else thought the same thing and didn't
come up with an answer!).  Because they may need
to ask for someone to come and help out in person.

However, I would be against members being a part
of this list and NOT part of the q&a list, in case
it ends up being neglected or becomes the preserve
of just a few dedicated souls who end up having to
always be the ones providing answers.  After all,
think of the pride when you see a question you can
answer for the first time and you post a helpful
reply and get a thank you!  Besides, we all develop
different areas of expertise depending on our
interests and main uses of our PCs, so a few people
might not be able to answer all questions as well
as a collective.

That's my view anyway...

Anton Channing

The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html