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[LUG] meetings and Open University


           I went along to the Open University open event in Torquay
today, and while there asked if anyone would be interested in
talking to the user group about courses,  they do have one
person that does this,   so perhaps if at a later event,  this
may be a possibility for  a talk etc,

 May not be fully OSS / Linux related,  but would be of interest to anyone
wanting to work and study for a computer  degree (or whatever) plus
perhaps for us ask questions regarding use of Linux in courses,   esp
given the recent posting of the article saying about how much Linux is
going to grow between now and 2011,   to me this highlights the need for
proper recognition of how Linux is being used in industry.

 Future events is one of the topics I want to bring up at the meeting

 --   DCLUG Meeting date Thursday 11th January 2007 - PRFC from 7:00
http://www.zleap.net http://www.openoffice.org http://www.linux.org   
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