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Re: [LUG] Linux in schools


I can think of areas such as science and enginnering where this would 
apply,  can we have some ideas on how to do this for other industries,  
Ok webservices we know about,  perhaps put together a few ideas to 
gether and I will put em on my website,  and we can link to this. 

Whats needed is to approach these training organisations with requests 
for people with Linux based skills,  given that scientific docs are 
written using Latex and not MSWord, format,  this would be one 
argument,  but my cousin is at university doing bioinformatics having 
graduated and is now learning Linux as this is needed for the research.  
so thats part of his uni course.

Can we have some ideas on how to rebut the MS is industry standard 



> Another would be the "Industry Standard" argument which is simple to 
> rebut.

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