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Re: [LUG] Keyboard Oddity


On 12/10/06 12:56:45, David Bell wrote:
My newly completed AMD64 box has dual booting. However, I can only
select within the GRUB menu by using the up and down keys on the numeric pad. The PS2 keyboard is tried and trusted

Maybe, but this is presumably dual-boot with Windows and proprietary drivers (for things like extra keys) are often badly written - on the assumption that "any OS that is not genuine Windows must be pirated so we don't care". The net result is that the driver can remain active after a warm reboot (i.e. where you would use shutdown -r in GNU/Linux or Restart from Windows). This was a common problem with laptop trackpads.

Check whether this happens after a COLD restart, compared to a warm reboot. Ensure that when you reboot, the keyboard indicates a full reset (usually by turning off all lights and testing them all before setting the default).

Shutdown from Windows, leave the power off for at least a count of 10.

Start up and check.


Neil Williams

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