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[LUG] Oh dear, "Vista would defeat even Brunel"


Reminds me of the hell of J+. (And no, the CLI part doesn't apparently
mean Command Line Interface as it would almost anywhere else - do MS
really live in a parallel universe? Or has someone in Redmond done a
little too much pot recently?)


(page 2, right at the end)
C++/CLI isn't a natural extension of C++; rather it is a dual gauge
system. The detritus from two incompatible programming models is crammed
uncomfortably into one space. The thing to remember about dual gauges is
that, while any fool can do a straight bit, it's the points that will
eventually put paid even to a Brunel.

Microsoft must run on its dual gauge system if it is to make a success
of Windows Vista. But we don't.

If you need to write for .NET in a curly brackets language, may I
suggest you try C#? It's focused and elegant and fits snugly into its
design hole - just right for those webby-databasey back end apps that
define, to Microsoft's irritation, the .natural .NET .niche.

And if you need to come back to something that runs a little edgier, and
is more widely scoped, and lets you blow your leg off whenever you want,
then C++ will still be there for you out here in the real world. Promise.


(And for the real luddites who want a language that has the power of C++
without the hell vendor-specific C++ extensions, there's always C!)


Neil Williams

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