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Re: [LUG] M$ Threatens To Sue Asia-For Running Linux!

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Sadie Brinham wrote:
| Re:"Nobody ever know who built open source software"-a truly lame
| argument if they mean to imply that some geekazoid who wrote a
piece of
| code is going to demand recompense in ten years time.

I think it is suppose to be a security issue ?!

Most people have no clue who wrote most Microsoft software, not even
Ballmer it seems! Indeed you have to dig around for Easter eggs in
some products to find the list of authors - geez what happens to
code inspection.

I suspect his claim that Microsoft "built it" is untrue for many
substantial applications, components, and libraries in "Microsoft

Or perhaps his claim to stand by it, and fix it, is only valid for
the bits Microsoft actually wrote, so they'll defend you for bits of
Word, but not other bits written by third parties. Hyperterminal -
nope third party sorry.

Presumably Ballmer also doesn't know who wrote the Microsoft
originated Open Source applications and components, let us hope they
do actually own the copyright on that one then.

It is just Microsoft FUD, so far the only big legal case seems to
have originated from deep pockets close to Microsoft.

So in the final analysis his claims boil down to;

* We didn't sell it to you.
* We might poersuade someone to sue you if you use something else.

Since in most cases Microsoft are also threatening to sue many of
these group for using Microsoft software they haven't paid for,
seems they are going to get sued either way, they might as well run.

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