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Re: [LUG] Adding new email users

Jeremy Pearson wrote:
Hi All;

Only my second ever post, so please bear with my ignorance of linux matters.

I'm in the process of replacing our ailing school mail server (w2k/mailtraq)
with a shiny new installation of
Debian3/Exim/UW-IMAP/qpopper/procmail/squirrelmail, and having pretty much
started from scratch I'm in the final testing stages with it before rolling
the system out during the summer holidays, learning all about Linux along
the way.

My question is: when I come to add user accounts for the 150+ mail users, do

Not that big a number of users.

I need to create a standard login account for each person, or is there a
neater (and more secure) way? Each user needs only SMTP, POP3 and webmail

Hopefully you mean IMAP, rather than POP3.

access to this machine, and surely not a login account too?

I just don't want the kids trying to SSH in when I'm not looking.

Why not? If you don't want them to be able to login then set the shell to /bin/false

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