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[LUG] fetchmail problem

I am running pine with fetmail set to poll every couple of  minutes as a
Problem I am having is passing an option in the fetchmailrc file.
I want to check mail but keep it on the server so mail with attachments
aren't downloaded with pine. (I have an icon in gnome that flashes when
mail is available. Great for checking the list)
According to the man page this should be the -k switch.
I have the line
poll -k pop3.myprovider.co.uk user ########### pass #####

It works fine without the -k switch but I get a parse error in the
location I have it or before the user.

Any suggestions appreciated.
Also how do I turn the daemon off once activated. The applet I use has a
tick to check /var/spool/mail/user and a time period and an option to
activate fetchmail on it's own after this time so as I'm logged into gnome
I may not need to have the daemon running in any case.



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