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Re: [LUG] ADSL enabling

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Charrett" <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <list@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [LUG] ADSL enabling

> Quoting Andrew:
> > I hope they dont check,  i know that my brother has registered interest
> > broadband on every phonenumber coming into the home,  1 PSTN line
> > + the 3 numbers on the Home Highway line.
> To be honest I'd expect them to factor this sort of thing in when they set
> their activation levels.  It'd be very short sighted of them to expect
> take up of lines that have been registered as having an interest in adsl.
> Alex.

I hope they dont check too well especially with my local exchange having a
trigger of 250, of which 64 ppl have registered some interest,  (trigger
has only just been set).  The area covered but the exchange is rather small
only 2 villages.  ( Three waters exchange near truro which covers
chacewater and penstraze, which is only really a straight road ).

Andrew  (I'm missing broadband, used to live in Truro) isdn is so

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