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Re: [LUG] Just Curious?

matthew.gibbons@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Then she said she wanted to write a letter. I started Open Office, she wrote a
letter. She asked to save it on a floppy. I explained that the path to the
floppy was /mnt/floppy and not A: - she wasn't interested why, she just wasn't
interested. :-(

Urm I thought with KDE you just click on the floppy icon and
drag the file from your home directory, drag and drop should

I'd try to avoid teching a new user terms like mount point, and
stuff, unless they are interested.

You have to accept that people have invested a great deal of
time learning that you "can't rely on file names longer than
8.3", and "you have to know what disks your system has
installed", and that '"ctrl alt delete" is what you do when it
hangs, and twice when it really hangs'. It usually took them a
long time to learn all this as no one taught it to them
properly, so they are loathed to relearn, even if it takes only
a day.

Floppy disks - oh I used one of them this month already, but its
been a busy month.

I bought XP because Rebekah needed to use the computer.

I'm sure she should have bought it if she wants to run it,
usually helps sort out priorities, and MS Office of course - the
price tag on that is usually pretty convincing.

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