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Re: [LUG] rant about mail clients

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Steve Crook wrote:
| On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 10:51:10AM +0100, James Keasley wrote:
|>Juat as a matter of interest, how many people who use gui clients
|>normally have got the commandline equivalents set up as well, just in
|>case? Personally I have got two usenet clients, which are actually my
|>main usenet clients I don't use Pan very often, a mail client an IRC
|>client and a text based web-browser all set up so I can do most things
|>that I do in gnome from the commandline.
| I use Mutt to send/receive the bulk of my email after parsing it
| with Procmail and Spam Assassin.  Postings containing attachments/http I
| usually leave in my mailq and collect via pop3 from a Windows machine
| when I can be bothered.  From there I use a client called Pegasus which
| became my i386 client of choice after reviewing various alternatives.

Well I use (at the moment)

Mozilla for mail, chat, news and browsing when in the office
Pine and lynx when I am offsite/through ssh

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