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[LUG] [Fwd: re open day]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: re open day
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 09:23:31 +0100
From: pwbunce <pwbunce at attglobal.net>
To: lug-list at area51.termisoc.org
References: <Pine.LNX.4.21.0104151532020.4281-100000 at area51.termisoc.org>

I hope to come to open day,

how difficult will it be to bring a computer and load a usable flavor of 
linux. to learn on, if so what version would be best?
i've got 98 on 2 gb  a partition of 2.5 waiting for 0s2 and another 
reserved for linux plus 1.4 as fat data

BTW i have an adeptec 29160n scsi card, which is presently stopping me 
loading os2 warp fix 16 cos i cannot load the new drivers for the scsi 
cos i carnt load os2 and i cannot load os2 cos i cannot load the 
drivers, ive got orible98 but dont like using it

i bought mandrake 7 for lots of money, but basically nothing worked cept 
internet, joined newbie list and started to receive 250-300 e,mails a 
day from ammericans who could not print could not load this or that, 
seemed not to be able to do any thing with mandrake !! so i rather gave up.

any  advice will be welcome

Alex Charrett wrote:

> OOoh, looks like Red Hat 7.1 is imminent.
> ftp://ftp.mirror.ac.uk/sites/ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/7.1/ exists,
> but is empty.
> I'll now start taking bets on wether we'll have a copy on the 29th.
> --
>              _        _
> | o._       | \ _.   |_   __|_ _ ._
> |_|| ||_|>< |_/(_|\/ |_><(/_|_(/_|
> Learn about linux / 29th of April 2001
> At Exeter University - www.linuxday.org.uk
> Devon & Cornwall LUG - lug.termisoc.org
> --
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