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Re: [LUG] Firefox problem


On 01/08/2022 09:28, George Parker wrote:
But Chrome doesn't give you the choice. When reading a newspaper on line there is usually the first para then you have to click on it to see the full article. I want to go to the article, not stay on the teaser. My browsing is different to yours and choice is the thing.

On 01/08/2022 09:22, Mike via list wrote:

So that when you are browsing you can open links to read after you have read your current page. Real annoying to click a link and then have to go back to original page to carry on reading. When I am searching for some info, I open a whole load of pages to read in a minute, much faster! for me anyway.

On 1/8/22 08:13, George Parker wrote:
My problem with them is that when you open a link into a new tab, it does not switch to that tab. Why would you open in a new tab and not want to view it? In Firefox you can choose which it does but not in Chrome based browsers.

Chrome is designed with advertisers in mind, not the user. Places like the Time are deliberately trying to pollute adblockers by making a lot of their content look like advertising to adblockers in the hope you will give up using them. I'm coming across more and more sites that wont work with adblockers. So I dont bother. If The TImes dont give you add-free streams with a subscription I'd not use them myself.

Tom te tom te tom

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