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Re: [LUG] Upgrade Thunderbird


On 30/06/2022 08:29, Richard Brown wrote:

I am using Manjaro distro with Thunderbird as the mail client. It is running version 91.10.0. I would like to upgrade to the latest version which is 102.

1. Is there a way to force the upgrade please?
2. Am I likely to break something?

2. Probably, 91.10.0 is the version that the distribution maintainers have packaged with your distribution (see https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=manjaro). This is the version that they have quality and assurance tested with the other components in your distribution. If you were to remove it and somehow install version 102, then you would have to perform all that quality and assurance testing for yourself. You may find that just about everything works, but if something doesn't work then you're unlikely to find help in that regard.


Kind regards

Richard Brown
Youth Worker
07546 804439

Giles Coochey
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