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Re: [LUG] Old(er) Ryzen CPU loan?


Thanks Dave, I've seen a 2200 on eBay!

On 12 June 2022 10:28:38 pm David Bell <grimpen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Sun, 12 Jun 2022 10:04:36 +0100
Michael Everitt <michael@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello team,

I'm trying to commission an older AM4 motherboard for a new Ryzen CPU
I've ordered, but I was pre-warned that the BIOS doesn't support the
newer CPU's out-of-the-box! Does anyone have a basic Ryzen CPU I
could borrow/purchase cheaply, just to get over this hump and get my
new fancy box running?! The mobo in question has the following CPU
compatibility chart .. FYI I've got the Ryzen 5500 coming :) ..


Michael / veremitz.

Hello Michael,

If it's of any help I used a Ryzen 3 2200G CPU to update the BIOS on the
specified board, then up graded to a Win11 compatible CPU.



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