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[LUG] 20220507 Help if possible, re UEFI and external hard drive Linux disc


To DCGLUG members,
Attention:   List DCG LUG <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear folks,
20220507 Help if possible, re UEFI and external hard drive Linux disc

History. I have for many years operated an external Hard drive with a Linux distro on it, plugged into LEGACY BIOS MS Windows computers, where BIOS is set to automatically start from USB disc if it is attached. This works well and is may main method of using Linux on Laptop computers in the house

New Problem.
I recently set up a UEFI reconditioned MS Windows computer for a grandson. No problem with MS Windows setup or setting age suitability, automatic when giving him a MS Outlook address, as user of computer.

I tried to set up a external hard disc with a Linux distro ("openSUSE LEAP 15.3") suitable for attachment to his UEFI computer. (I might change the Linux distro to another, but that was the starting point, as I am familiar with openSUSE.)

No problem to get Linux booted and working by using switch-on and chose single start boot, then select system, via using Function key at same time as switch on. (F12 on this Dell computer.)

I found difficult in setting the UEFI system to 'automatically' start from USB Linux disc if it is attached.

The openSUSE disc had a large (I think 4) number of selections of disc partitions (in long form URLS) to register keys and disc partition.

I searched for example of this and instructions but found no real example.

If I use Live Knoppix USB , it takes me through a number of steps to register its key and then boots automatically thereafter.

Can DCGLug members point me in the right direction to get instructions.
Thanks in advance.

Eion MacDonald

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