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[LUG] My new project.. a hybrid KVM!


Hi all,

I've been using my cheap KVM switch for a while now, but I'm not liking the 
flakiness of it, and it's also very limited in terms of being hackable.

You may already know I used to maintain Barrier, and since then 'Input Leap', a fork 
of Barrier.

My new project is a continuation of those ideals, but in the sense of a hardware & 
software approach: i.e, hybrid.

A link to the Continuity Suite is: https://github.com/continuity-kvm

It is written in Rust, with C/C++ shims expected with FFI. I would however like to 
point out that a lot of companies do use Rust, not just Mozilla - 
https://kerkour.com/rust-in-production-2021 , 
https://careerkarma.com/blog/companies-that-use-rust/ , 
https://serokell.io/blog/rust-companies  - I could have done it all in C/C++, but my 
experiences with Barrier indicated a large amount of memory leaks, performance 
issues, and I knew from those issues that Rust would have been a good choice for my 
new hybrid KVM.

It's still a WIP... but if anyone's interested in helping out, shoot me a line.

Happy hacking,

Kind regards,
Dom Rodriguez (also known as shymega)

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