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Re: [LUG] error copying a file using smbclient - resolved!


On 17/11/2021 19:26, stinga wrote:
On 16/11/2021 17:04, stinga wrote:
On 16/11/2021 16:06, Mark Thurston wrote:

> Any thoughts?

If you're running a VPN, the ISP won't be able to directly interfere with any of the traffic carried over the VPN.

Have you changed routing equipment at all?

I would check the DNS / WINS resolution as that is a possible source of error that may not travel over the VPN.

Openvpn works fine except for an copying files over SMB.
We move a lot of audio data around over vpns (Community radio station) and it does not fail except for the file copy.

G'day all,

More info...

I can always scp over the vpn the file, but it is slow.

sftp fails over the vpn

If I poke a hole in the firewall and grab the file directly it is fairly fast and works.

I think the issue is with openvpn and not the smb part.

I don't believe Zen throttle, but we are looking at this as well.

G'day all,

It may be resolved....

The change of ISP increased our up/down speeds... woot!

The DrayTek router had "UDP Flood defense" enabled which is 2000 packets in 10 seconds (it maybe per second which makes more sense, doco is conficting) , if that is exceeded we got dropped for 10 seconds, which is what I was seeing, download stall, download stall.

We have increased the value and now seem to be stable and faster! Winner, winner, chick dinner!

thanks for the help!

Email: stinga+dclug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx   o
You need only two tools.        o /////
A hammer and duct tape. If it    /@   `\  /) ~
doesn't move and it should use  >  (O)  X<  ~  Fish!!
the hammer. If it moves and      `\___/'  \) ~
shouldn't, use the tape.           \\\
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