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Re: [LUG] Scam phone calls


I've been registered with the Telephone Preference Service [TPS] for years. Phone calls are supposed to be their responsibility, however IME all they block is legally operating companies who hang up as soon as they are mentioned. In fact  when I last checked their website they don't even count the volume of scam calls much less do anything to stop them. When I tried the ICO to report the issue, as soon as I said it was a phone call I was referred back to the TPS who as I already knew did nothing. Nowadays I just hang up on them.


On 14/09/2021 16:08, maceion@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

On 14/09/2021 13:38, Henry Bremridge wrote:
I have been more scam phone calls than normal recently, any idea if
there is an opensource app to report them so that others can find a

The ICO has its own website


But I do not believe they publish the numbers

They are forbidden to publish any numbers, the reporter to them may be
making a mistake.
E.G. Buy from Argos, the receipt details for warranty to them also  give
tel no or email automatically allows them permission to market sell to
you or you have no warranty except at common law.

I report  to ICO every scam call after finding details by 1471.
No silent calls and fraud as they are in different UK Gov depts..

Note only 'data' is if you are on telephone preference list "do not send
marketing stuff".

As some scammers can change 'supposed calling from number "for every
call made", a list is almost useless.
If caller number is withheld, than no number to report.

PS you can stop ALL calling from number withheld calls at your phone
provider,BUT it will also stop all working from home legitimate calls
from UK Gov, HMRC, NHS, medical practices.
We have this blocked and it took many months to sort our a HMRC problem
as they could not call us back
You can also stop all incoming foreign calls, but that does not stop
foreign calls made via a UK base (internet computer in UK) relayed call.

ICO only publish when they fine companies or firms and then on irregular

“The great tragedy of Science — the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly 

― Thomas Henry Huxley

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