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Re: [LUG] systemd and NFS shares


On 03/09/2021 19:30, comrade meowski wrote:
On 03/09/2021 19:11, Julian Hall wrote:

julian@Cerce:~$ sudo ls -alh /media/julian/DEMETER
total 232M

What happens if you:

touch /media/julian/DEMETER
Nothing, as in no error just a new line

Did you change the fstab line to include users?


Try it like so:

sudo chown julian:julian /DEMETER #take permission of mnt point
sudo chown julian:julian /media/julian/DEMETER
[sudo] password for julian:
chown: changing ownership of '/media/julian/DEMETER': Operation not permitted
Edit fstab line to:    /DEMETER _netdev,auto,users,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.mount-timeout=10,timeo=14,x-systemd.idle-timeout=1min 0 0
fstab already has those options albeit mount point is /media/julian/DEMETER
Restart systemd services or reboot.

Really we need to check the settings on the server end - how do you interact with the NAS?
Through the DSM - web interface.
Does it have SSH or do you configure it through a web interface? I'm guessing the latter but scan through the NAS NFS settings and summarise the current setup as best as you can.

Yes it does have SSH enabled but I don't use it - as I only just found it.

NFS Permissions per NFS share

Client - as far as I know this allows the range from 1.0 up to *.*.1.30
Privilege Read/Write
Squash  map root to admin
Asynchronous Yes
Non-privileged port Yes
Cross-mount Yes

Maximum NFS Protocol 3 (can go up to 4 but left alone). I exported a Permissions Report but that said nothing about NFS or any other networking.

I think that's all of it.


“The great tragedy of Science — the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly 

― Thomas Henry Huxley

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