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Re: [LUG] Best Practice for dual booting. (was Re: ThinkPad Laptops)


On 03/09/2021 12:44, fraser kendall wrote:
I'd greatly appreciate a few pointers.  Is anyone running a dual-boot
Dell?  Is it possible to keep the Dell W10 on a recovery partition; and
can the recovery image be used as a basis for a qemu instance?  I was
thinking of an scratch partition (50G?) just for a W10.qcow
functionality or W10 recovery. When the native W10 recovery partition is
activated, does it allow a targeted installation to a specified
partition, or does it just swallow the entire drive? Can anyone tell
that I haven't a clue what I'm talking about?



I'm running a dual boot Windows 7 / Mint rig albeit not a Dell. Two points I'd make;

 * Do you do much gaming as they are often released as Windows only,
   WINE is not usually up to gaming.
 * Troubleshooting, especially peripherals. Good to be able to
   eliminate hardware issues if the same device works in Windows.

Kind regards,


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― Thomas Henry Huxley

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