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Re: [LUG] Data extraction from PDF form


On 15/08/2021 09:23, Grant Phillips-Sewell wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Aug 2021, 09:17 Pentiddy, <pentiddy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:pentiddy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     Hello all.
>     I am trying to make an application form and collate the data.
>     I have managed to make a fillable PDF with Libre office writer, but I
>     have been struggling to work out how to extract and collate the data
>     from returned forms.
>     Has anyone done this with Libre Office?
>     ...or is there another easier way (preferably NOT google based... I am
>     aware google forms would probably work beautifully!)
>     Thanks in advance
>     Anthony
> This might be a daft question but if the plan is for people to fill in
> this form on their computer, why are you doing it as a PDF?
> Grant. :)

I would tend to send a spreadsheet with column headings, one line filled
in as example and then next line blank for those who will submit data to
fill in and return to me.
Then to extract and copy line by line onto my master sheet.

I have not tried LibreOffice forms so regret cannot answer.

With PDFs only way I know to extract line text is using LibreOffice Draw
but it is very slow as it does it a frame at a time.

Eion MacDonald

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