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Re: [LUG] OT Windows 11


On 28/06/2021 18:56, David Bell wrote:
On Mon, 28 Jun 2021 18:40:53 +0100
comrade meowski <mr.meowski@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

This has been the same since the dawn of
computing: if you need to run certain software you _have_ to buy
hardware that supports running it.

True, but think of the resultant worldwide landfill and/or cost of
recycling. But then MS have never claimed to be "Green".

Sure but that's a society level issue that's way, way beyond the capabilities of you or I to do anything about. My answer was purely from the pragmatic point of view of what practical issues a typical individual user will have to decide for themself as a result of the new requirements. Wider ranging philosophical questions about what Microsoft _should_ do rather than what they _have_ done didn't come into it I'm afraid.

From Microsoft's perspective - and I'm sure that at their scale, the corollary environmental impact of their new requirements would have actually been one of the many factors weighed - they obviously decided it was worth it. Cynically we might even guess that the fact it would obviously drive a new wave of hardware purchases might well have been considered a major positive, especially when you take into account any influence their channel partners such as Intel might have had!

If you want a really good example of just how to aggressively drive new hardware purchases by ruthlessly obsoleting older machines see Apple. Microsoft are being lenient compared to them...

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