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Re: [LUG] Simple Photo Editor


On Wed, 23 Jun 2021, Neil wrote:

One of my interests is photography. Nowadays, of course, I use my computer for editing. (Yes, I did have a darkroom at home at one time.)

I do have gimp and krita installed. However they are very powerful and often OTT for what I want to do.

Sometimes I just need to make some simple changes to a photo so that it can be easily sent as an attachment to an email. On these occasions the above programs are unnecessarily complicated.

I don't know if anyone on the list is also a photographer, but if so any suggestions for a simple photo editor would be gratefully received.

What changes do you need?

For simple scaling/re-sizing of (e.g.) a JPG then mogrify is a command-line tool that makes it relatively easy.


  mogrify -resize 1280x1280 -quality 75 file.jpg

(It may be part of the imagemagick package in your chosen distro.)

It can do a lot more, but generally whole image at a time operations rather than "photoshop" a small bit.


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