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Re: [LUG] Scammer's Attitude


On 17/06/2021 22:09, maceion@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
On 17/06/2021 20:23, Simon Avery wrote:
Don't do what I did, which was to block incoming calls from unknown
numbers - that works great, until you forget it's blocked and the doctor
calls you about something important and you wonder why your phone never
rang because the number was unknown or withheld.

This is most important!
I fully concur.
I had unknown numbers / number withheld blocked at my phone provider.

Unfortunately when we went to lockdown, and my wife was in considerable
intercourse with HMG and HMRC they has set up ALL persons working from
home as all dialling out from withheld numbers.
Result no incoming HMG (FCO for me, HMRC for wife) calls received.
Local government did the same, to hide their staff's own home phone numbers.

Likewise our local surgery has all locums calling out on number withheld

Yes, this way you injure yourself financially, medically, and hurt your
foreign correspondents.

But and I vouch for this blocking number withheld does not stop the

Thanks for all that useful information. Incidently, I must be well out of favour with the scammers. So far this year we have had just one scam phone call where there was a (recorded?) voice on the other end. Other wise, just occasionally, we get one that has only silence to listen to. Don't get many of those either, perhaps four or five so far this year.

I really am feeling neglected,


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