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Re: [LUG] Scammer's Attitude


On Thursday, 17 June 2021 20:23:25 BST Simon Avery wrote:
> Sadly, it's a very difficult thing to teach. Not only do we, as a technical
> breed, sound like we're over-emphasising a problem and get greeting with
> scepticism, but humanity's global availability has made us very contactable
> at near zero cost or risk. I don't know what the answer is, and I very much
> suspect nobody else does either.

For most of the low level phone calls anything that culls automated calls 
takes you out of the majority of rubbish.

BT did a call screening phone (which I had) but then add the same feature to 
their exchanges. Basically "Press 1, say your name", and it calls you and 
tells you who is calling, and you can add them to a white list. 

Worked reasonably well, except for international callers., and automated calls 
you want (think phone based 2FA), but I think it can be a shock for elderly 
relatives and the like.

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