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Re: [LUG] IRC: Freenode -> Libera



1.      Thank you for all the time and effort you have contributed to
        helping people with Linux: still remember chatting with you in the
        Rugby bar in Paignton.

2.      I hope you continue to help, be it websites or whatever.

3.      Web design is not my area of expertise. If it works, it works. I
        know plenty of web designers who charge 2 arms and 3 legs for
        pretty websites. I know some designers who charge less---£250 set
        up costs for a basic website, £450 for a more complicated website.


        I have also come across plenty of websites that have had
        masses of money spent on them and are complete thieving c$$p. And that is
        one reason why I still have a laptop running windows. I need to
        access the website but will they work on Linux, no. 

        And when I ring up (yesterday) and ask to complain given that my
        wife has not been able to log in for 7 days to her bank and get
        told by some minion of soulless orthodoxy that any complaint will
        be rejected because "terms and conditions do not guarantee 100%
        uptime" ...  Glossy websites are not the be all and end all.

IF members want to spend money on a glossy design..in the meantime I
take my hat off to all members who help, be it in big ways or small.

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Thu 17 Jun 09:14:42 BST 2021

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