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Re: [LUG] Freenode (and matrix bridge) murdered by bot


I's suggest Libera - simply to piss freenode off a bit more. That'll learn them!

Is anyone here interested in setting up a redundant DCGLUG controlled version via DDNS. It strikes me that something this low bandwidth could be set up on a few home machines in the DNZ with a PiZero W hanging off the router. Publish all the details for others to get it working and improve and then move on to add Jitsi (not on a zero obviously). I just feel we give too much to others that we should control ourselves.

Tom te tom te tom

Good point here, why would they ban a channel something just on the mention of libera, when if asked about Debian and IRC I would point people to OFTC.

I am not sure if a mass exodus will teach them, unless they are capable of seeing this is a result of their own actions / policies. However moving is the 'right' thing to do.

In some ways this now shows as end users, and advocates of freedom we have power, the power of community, in a similar way to how this Football super league was kicked in to touch. 'Power to the people', or should we say 'Power to the users' in this context.

I am in quite a few channels so moving over to libera anyway isn't a problem, there is a meeting tonight at 18:00 on #fsf to determine their response. One of the main points of freenode it was peer led, now it appears to have lost that.


Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open)

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