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[LUG] Encryption was Re: Disk Wiping


On Thursday, 4 March 2021 18:07:18 GMT John PNZ wrote:
> I think, comrade, that some people rely on physical barriers for data
> protection rather than adopting encryption at rest, but that they prefer to
> wipe before giving a drive to another user. That seems a supportable
> concept.

My experience, and I've looked at a lot of companies who should encrypt their 
disks, strongly suggests most people don't know how to encrypt their disks 
(Macs), or got the Home Edition of Windows when setting it up isn't supported.

They also don't know why they need to encrypt their disks!!!!

Also a lot believe that because they enter a password when they login, surely 
the vendors protect their documents using that?! Which is true for iPhones, 
and Chromebooks, and some models of Android.....

Go ask a few non-technical friends about how difficult it is to access their 
files if someone steals their computer and see what they say.

I don't think our Comrade is saying rely entirely on encryption and never 
wipe, just that he is much more relaxed about procedures for wiping the disks 
because even if he does it wrongly, or forgets, without the password the 
contents are still protected. So he's not feeling the need to axe any disks, 
even if his threat model is more extreme for work data.


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