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Re: [LUG] A pretend rant


On 27/12/2020 14:55, Brad Rogers wrote:
On Sun, 27 Dec 2020 13:00:17 +0000
Neil <barnaby@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Neil,

The plank. Whose weird idea was that one? If it is there I remove it.

Never even heard of it until now.  Still to look up what it is/does.
{time passes}
Ah, right.  Don't need it here.

Konky. Another weird one. It takes up a lot of space on the screen, it

Can't even find that.  Nothing pertinent (AFAICT) at DuckDuckGo, either.
  Unless Konky is shorthand for something.

I used to use kubuntu and there is was Konky. Now it is usually spelt conky. I should have been more careful. If you check that spelling in Duckduckgo, you will find the information.

I always keep the panel hidden. When I need it I just move the mouse

I prefer to keep it always visible.  Dunno why, just do.

We're all different.


My wife and daughter both like to keep the panel on view. So that is how I leave it for them.


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