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[LUG] Printer - again


No, not more problems. Just an update on my recent usage.

My desktop has both wifi and USB connected to the printer. So the blue light shows that wifi is on.

Today I thought to test out the scanner, built in. First I tried to connect simple scan to it. No way, it just said there was no scanner available.

So I had a look at the help files. It seems that I can scan, but I have to use HP Smart, already installed on my new phone. It took a while, but got it sorted. It does a good job too.

One change I now noticed is that the blue wifi light no longer shows when I am using my desktop computer to print. It has obviously settled on the USB link. I can still print from my laptop, which must be using the wifi link. So far so good.

Just leaves me wondering, what about someone who has bought this printer, but does not have a smart phone? (Remember that my new phone arrived just one day before the printer was delivered, so I had a lot of learning to do.)

Do modern printer manufacturers expect everyone to have a smart phone? Strange, if that is the case. So it seems that anyone buying a modern printer will need one. Weird or what??


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