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Re: [LUG] 3d printer help


On Tue, Oct 27, 2020, at 10:58 AM, Tom via list wrote:

Cheers for you earlier input. I got a Creality Ender 5 Pro and have managed to put it together however the manual is a bit shit and I'm not sure what to do with the cables- they're all connected and the thing turns on without complaint. I cant find a picture of one assembled and working for a clue

I have the non-pro Ender 5 but I imagine it is similar. The cables just get cable tied to the structure as they come out of the control box and go up the vertical beam at the back. Just make sure there is sufficient free cable so each axis can move its full extent.

Once done take care to level the bed VERY carefully. Once you have sorted that then print a few simple test jobs such as the dog that usually comes with the printer, a Benjy and a calibration cube which you can use to calibrate steps so that parts you print are the correct size.

There are loads of YouTube videos covering all this stuff.

After that just get on Thingiverse and start downloading and printing.

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