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Re: [LUG] A new printer, Part two


On 21/10/2020 18:26, Neil wrote:
On 21/10/2020 16:31, Gordon Henderson wrote:

It's a cost thing. It's cheaper for them to employ a low-paid worker to write an 'app' for a phone than the put buttons and a display on the printer.

They also get their app on your phone so they can steal all your contacts, photos, (you want to print photos from your phone, right?) and location information and then sell on to the information aggregators.

You want a cheap printer? This is the route to go.

Or pay a bit more for one with a display, buttons and an Ethernet (or USB) socket.


I suppose once you have wifi working you can delete the app. Or won't that work any more then?

Assuming the app developer has obtained all the information they want from the contacts list so they can add that to the database they sell on - sorry did that sound cynical? ;) - there may well not be an ongoing need for the app. Of course given that any printing from the phone is liable to be 'cloud' printing that would probably require the app to remain installed.


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― Thomas Henry Huxley

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