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Re: [LUG] Building Plans Programme


> Have a look at Room Arranger. Possibly not quite right either,
> but there are libraries of items to place and configure for
> dimensions so they fit, skin them so they look right, and IIRC
> you can add custom items (e.g. one plank or a panel of them) and
> place them precisely. The output can be a 3D walkround or a floor
> plan. Projects can be multiroom and the website splash screen
> says apartments, houses etc so it claims you can design houses.
> https://www.roomarranger.com/

Since the GLUG has become a hive of 3D software discussion, I shall once
more offer my suggestions here! As with Julian, I think my suggestions
may not be 'quite right', but nonetheless could be useful.

Seeing Room Arranger reminded me of a program that looks rather similar
- Sweet Home 3D. It is free (libre) software under the GPL, rather than
Room Arranger's proprietary licence. Other than that it appears almost
identical in use! http://www.sweethome3d.com/

If you need something more precise and flexible (and more suited for
construction rather than general design), I should try OpenSCAD or
FreeCAD. Neither are 'user-friendly' (ie. you'll likely need to learn
how to use them), but are very accurate 3D modelling tools with
parametric features. The final result won't look pretty, as it's all
basic shading, but you can export the result to Blender if you need an
artists-impression style aesthetic. I am not too familiar with FreeCAD,
but for OpenSCAD you can define a plank with a specific size and reuse
that object anywhere in the design. Or, you can make a generic plank
object that takes parameters and create objects that derive from that
base model. http://www.openscad.org/ and https://www.freecadweb.org/

Best wishes from Sebastian
Freenode: 'seabass'

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