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Re: [LUG] OT: Personal Network Query


On 09/10/2020 15:16, Julian Hall wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would very much appreciate advice on the following please.
> In short, networking a care home with three floors. It seems they have
> run out of IP addresses on their router so cannot add any more wireless
> devices. Quite how they've managed that I don't know but the fact is
> they have, and are now thinking of upgrading. The possibility of
> separate routers on each floor was mentioned. My initial thought was:
> Ground floor: Main router with Internet gateway and two separate
> networks - one for staff and equipment - LAN printers and networked
> drives etc. The other a Guest network for visitors with only Internet
> access. IP range 192.168.0.x
> First floor. Router with IP range 192.168.1.x
> Second floor. Router with IP range 192.168.2.x
> All routers to have the staff, and Guest networks. Would that work, or
> should they have one router and three hubs?
> Kind regards,
> Julian

I would totally separate guests from actual staff and equipment.
Guests should be on their own router and incoming separate ISP line.

Problems of Guests in a mechanical factory with two floors and initially
your type of set up had problems with visitors causing 'cross infection'
(details unknown, but it crashed the work links).
Initial solution was absolute removal of all guest access.
Then separate ISP , separate router for Guest internet access, most
guests used VPN to get to home / their work site links.
Not network knowledgeable who suffered until this was separated. [Circa

Eion MacDonald

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