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Re: [LUG] Chromebooks


On 04/10/2020 19:12, John PNZ wrote:
We began by discussing Neil's spousal seven year old laptop. It's
possible that the extra money needed to push its replacement from 4GB
to 16GB could be better spent elsewhere, but that doesn't seem to
place much value on her time. I thought she'd benefit, even if only
marginally and occasionally, from the extra capacity and the potential
extra spend, which is why I posted in this thread. I still think it's
worth considering.

That was a very interesting email from John. It brings back a few memories from long ago.

This thread seems to have strayed somewhat, but all of interest. So many different uses for a computer. However, to my wife's laptop. I think I will replace it soon, even though I know that it could possibly go on for a while yet. (She does complain that it is getting slower.) My main reason is to bring the hardware more up to date, especially with an SSD. And, by the way, it (her current one) does have 8GB of RAM, so more than enough for her usage.

While I am at it I will be looking to replace my own laptop too, only six years old and with an SSD. Why? Because I can. And at my age there is no sense in wasting what little time I have left.


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