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Re: [LUG] Chromebooks


On Sun, 27 Sep 2020 15:41:31 +0100
Ciarán Ainsworth <cda@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Ciarán,

>Yeah, it's getting pretty obnoxious, really. There are some things

Even worse, is having to relinquish certain privacy rights just to use a
site.  Mostly 'social' media, obvs.

>I was once a part of the cult of Apple (I was duped into dropping £899
>on a MacBook Pro back in 2009). It really is just marketing and preying
>on the hopes of users who want to ditch Windows. There is a vain hope

I knew from other people's use of Windows (I came up from Atari 8bit and
C= Amiga), that I wanted to give Microsoft's offering a wide berth.
Linux seemed the way to go.  I've never looked back.

>that Company B is going to treat you better than Company A, but in
>reality each thinks just as little of you as the other. Apple's

Tell me about it;  I was getting guff from a car dealership until my
missus got involved (she's a solicitor) -  She didn't even have to use
her line "I'm going to win this, so the sooner you get used to the idea
and give me what I'm entitled to, the easier it will be for all of us."

>When it comes to hardware manufacturers, Apple is clearly ahead in the
>consumer field because they have the resources to focus on marketing to

Most really, /really/ (financially) successful companies know that
marketing is how you make the money.  That and, possibly, a good legal
department.  A nice logo is good idea too.  It's no accident that
Amazon's logo has smile/arrow running from A->z, for example.

>Even so, affordability is not the only consideration here. The fact of
>the matter is that there isn't a country on earth that has 100% WiFi

I overlooked that, but yes, good point.  Figures of 90% coverage (for
whatever 'they' are talking about) refers to the population of the
country, not the geographic area covered.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
Watching the people get lairy
I Predict A Riot - Kaiser Chiefs

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