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Re: [LUG] PCIe Firewire cards - any suggestions?


Dear John,

> The chip on that card has been supported for a long while, I'd have
> thought you'd have no problem. I don't have any firewire hardware to
> check against though.

Thank you for your optimistic advice on this matter! It is good to know
that the chip is supported - I've ordered the PCIe card and I'll post
here with the result when it arrives in a couple of weeks or so. Indeed,
having looked carefully through lspci, it seems as though the one I am
using at the moment is also using that chip, or at least one from the
same company.

I am aware that most people have moved on from Firewire now, but reading
about the protocol makes me all the more supportive of it: it had a
higher bandwidth than versions of USB at the same time, and doesn't seem
to have the reliance on expensive (and contractually restricted) 'Vendor
IDs' that USB does. As I imagine many here know, these VIDs can be quite
awkward for hobbyists, as they include a minimum of 65536 'Product IDs'
for each four-figure sum! There's no option to pay less for a subset of
the address space.

Ah, and then there's the matter of connector shape. It's a lot easier to
insert Firewire cables in the correct orientation!

Best wishes,


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