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Re: [LUG] Up For Grabs!


On 05/08/2020 22:25, Eion MacDonald wrote:
> On 05/08/2020 17:40, Sebastian wrote:
>> Amusingly, this included 'English' and 'International English'. I shall let 
>> everyone guess which of these variants is the one used in England!
> Bravo! Braw!

Annnnnnd we come full circle...

Now, English is the kernel, with many distros of English being made
One of the benefits of English is that you can choose which
'flavor/flavour' you wish to use depending on which suits you and which
your friends are using...

The English kernel, which has grown over time, is only really probed by
crackpots and eccentrics, with many using a mix of their own packages or

Some of the more popular distros of English use a branch of the language
which started in the 17th century.

Like the second most popular language, Spanish, only a small proportion
of the users use the "original" kernel.

It's all about freedom of choice!

(Of course, the irony of a Scotsman complaining about which variant of
English is used is not lost on me)

Kind regards,

Mark Smith

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