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Re: [LUG] Vim Latex / latexmk


On 31/03/2020 15:10, Henry Bremridge wrote:
I had a power cut the other day and had to reboot. Ever since then

1.  On opening a *.tex file I have had the following messages

Error detected while processing 
line   10:
E227: Mapping already exists for <80><fd>STex_RefreshFolds
line  249:
E122: Function BibT already exists, add ! to replace it
Error detected while processing 
line   28:
Tex_Complete(<q-args>, 'tex')
line   29:
Tex_Complete(<q-args>, 'all')
line   30:
E174: Command already exists: add ! to replace it: TLookBib call Tex_Compl

2.  I have rebooted and reinstalled vim latex and latexmk: no joy

Does anyone have a bright idea

Did you fsck your filesystems post-crash? Sounds like you probably should - you'll need to fsck the root partition from a live media of some kind.

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