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Re: [LUG] Holsworthy Coder Dojo


Thanks Paul.

I've been through the Security Screening Routine so many times since 1976, both for 
work and youth associations that I've lost count, and it frankly sticks in my craw 
now, (if they don't know that I'm a Patriotic, entirely trustable non-pervert by now 
then they never will), but thank you very much indeed for the input, much 



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-----Original Message-----
From: list [mailto:list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Paul Sutton
Sent: 19 May 2018 13:10
To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [LUG] Holsworthy Coder Dojo

Hash: SHA256

On 19/05/18 12:44, Andrew Kendall wrote:
> I think you need to "spread the word" around the local Youth Clubs and 
> Schools if you're looking for a reasonable response Tom. (I can put 
> you in touch with the Youth Club staff if you like?). You may need to 
> provide some hardware to get it going though? It'll be pretty stale 
> without some hardware hands-on.
> I've considered doing similar for an Arduino-based Maker "club" as 
> I've done a fair bit and there are cheap hardware bundles on eBay to 
> facilitate it. I've no stomach for all the CRB-check and officialdom 
> though.
> See you shortly.
> Andy.

I think there are starter packs for the dojos with some micro:bits , stickers, 
posters etc.  which are going out to the ones they are setting up.  But yeah,  
ideally people bring their own kit (laptop
usually).   I think what you then need to provide is access to power
sockets and somewhere to put the laptops so people are not sitting too close 

Andy:  The DBS process is very straight forward and done on-line, for volunteers it 
should be free, or at very low cost I did see Â16 quoted
on the dojo site,   if you get one,  then sign up to the update
service and register your DBS  it is kept up to date,  as a volunteer that part of 
it is free,  (if you do one for paid employment then it costs about Â13 per annum)  
the update service in theory then means you don't have to apply for a new one, for 
each post as the entities you are working with will do a  status check (e.g a 
school), so if nothing has changed since DBS was issued, then a fresh DBS won't say 
anything new either.

DBS are then transferable providing that it is the same level,  you still need a 
separate one for paid and volunteer work (even at the same level of check).

But the process is simple,  just need ID documents,  and evidence of address dated 
in the last 3 months,  so passport, driving license, birth certificate plus a bill 
for example (and yes this can be printed from your ISP bill for example).

I am not a DBS expert,  just had to do quite a few for various posts.
 So kinda used to the routine.

> -----Original Message----- From: list
> [mailto:list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tom via list Sent:
> 19 May 2018 11:20 To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxx Cc: Tom Subject: [LUG] 
> Holsworthy Coder Dojo
> In a moment of madness I have started the engine on creating a Coder 
> Dojo (https://coderdojo.com/) in Holsworthy. I have no idea on the 
> levels of interest - I can probably manage a half dozen or so on my 
> own if they have their hardware etc but if anyone is interested in 
> helping or can provide equipment* then I'd be interested in hearing 
> from you.
> * I think I will need things that can run scratch, do some python 
> coding and I have a few RaspberryPis  that I can use for 'physical'
> computing.
> Cheers Tom te tom te tom
> -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG 
> https://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ:
> http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq

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The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG 
FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq

The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq