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Re: [LUG] Plymouth LUG meeting, November


On 11 Nov 2016 09:43, "Andy Wills" <home@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Just a quick clarification, because I've received a couple of emails
> about this.
> Paul Sutton's recent email and blog post listed the Plymouth LUG as
> happening tomorrow, 12th Nov. This is incorrect. Plymouth LUG is the
> fourth Saturday of the month, so 26th November. 12 noon, Hush
> coffee. Incidentally, this means the calendar on the DCLUG site is
> also slightly wrong, as it lists 13:00 rather than 12:00
> All the best
> Andy

Ok, calendar has been fixed.

On that note, if anyone has any related events that they'd like putting on the calendar please email me with some advance notice: grant@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Grant. :)

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