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Re: [LUG] OT: Email!


On 14/10/2016 13:37, Eion MacDonald wrote:
> On 14/10/2016 13:04, Richard Brown wrote:
>> Hi Guys
>> I work for a walking company and we mostly work through email. We have
>> an accommodation provider who cannot receive emails from us. He was
>> receiving them and now he isn't.
>> I sent an email from my personal address which he has received fine. His
>> email address is a btinternet.com <http://btinternet.com> address. 
>> Is there anyway I can check why he can't receive our email please?
>> Thanks
>> Rich
>> -- 
>> Kind regards
>> Richard Brown
>> 07747 343637
>> http://gucu.org.uk/
> I am on an "@btinternet.com" email system.
> Your message above was received OK.

PS is he using the "@btinternet.com" system as a webmail (i.e. reading
on BT's servers) or is he using an email client like Thunderbird?

Try his area phone  code against

Eion MacDonald

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