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On 24/09/15 12:01, Neil Winchurst wrote:
I just want to try to
keep any logs on my internet activity as limited as possible. I just
think it is my business, and no one else's. 

I have not yet checked out my ISP about what they log, will do so soon.
It can't hurt to use a VPN can it? I am just wondering if there is not
much point to it all.

I'm entirely of your opinion: it is no one else's business. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to protect against every threat we face.

Tor Browser helps to keep private one's web browsing content and metadata [1]. I use this every day and it is excellent. There is some evidence that the nation-state snoops have difficulty deanonymising users of the Tor network [2] , even though there are a number of attacks that can be performed on the Tor network.

Non-web internet usage is not so easy to keep private. A VPN can help, but also draws the attention of nation-state actors to it: "This person is using (a VPN | PGP | Tor) and therefore must be suspected of committing a crime". My advice would be to accept that your internet usage is not private and to:-

1) Try to limit the entities that have access to information about your usage. Your ISP certainly logs everything and so does a VPN provider. Who do you trust more to limit the sharing of that information? (No USA company is to be trusted in this regard; non-USA citizens have no data rights so far as the USA gov is concerned).

2) Seek every opportunity to raise the cost, to your adversary, of obtaining information about your internet usage.


[1]: https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en
[2]: http://www.theguardian.com/world/interactive/2013/oct/04/tor-stinks-nsa-presentation-document
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