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Re: [LUG] Request mailman configuration change;


On Sun, 1 Feb 2015 11:25:49 +0000
Simon Avery <digdilem@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Simon,

>You must have missed my point about this being the default, and that I

Partly, yes.

Mailman warns not to use sensitive passwords for this reason.  Some of
what you want would require a re-write of mailman's code.  Whether or
not the default should be "send monthly reminders" is debatable, but if
it gets changed, I'll guarantee there'll be some broo-hah-hah about it
- *even if it's debated on list first*.  In any case, any service that
can email you your password, whether encrypted or not, ought to be
considered suspect.  Facebook, for example, does not email you a copy
of your password, they send a link to your registered email address
to reset it.  It's encrypted with a one way cypher for that very reason.

For the next version of mailman (v3) I understand that the ability to
send password reminders is to be dropped.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
It's got nothing to do with the need to impress
Titanic (My Over) Reaction - 999

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