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Re: [LUG] firefox update


At first I hated it, couldn't get used the missing menu, bookmarks not being where they were supposed to be.... But after just 1 days use I don't think I'd like to go back, plus I think it fits very nicely with the Elementary OS design ethos


On 30 April 2014 17:17:13 BST, bad apple <mr.meowski@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 30/04/14 16:08, Neil Winchurst wrote:
On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 08:03:35 +0100
Tom <madtom1999@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Just had a firefox update on Ubuntu 13:04 no bookmarks or preferneces
or anything
Tom te tom te tom

Hi there Tom,

you might like to look at this ...


I have just upgraded to version 29 and I followed that advice to get
back to the look I like.



Wow, I think I must be literally the only person in the world who
doesn't mind the 'new' interface (which was well advertised, has been in
beta/alpha channels for about a year and should have been a surprise to
absolutely nobody). The slashdot hatefest yesterday was a real sign of
things to come, apparently.

I absolutely love the way everyone relentlessly abuses Mozilla (how dare
they give us the world's best web browser for free, the bastards!) and
curses every single Firefox UI change that comes down the pipe, and then
promptly follow convoluted tutorials to stay in the past. But
critically, they never actually move off Firefox because deep down they
all know it's by far the best game in town. I mean, if you really felt
Firefox was somehow letting you down you'd use Chrome, IE or Safari
right? Right? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Incidentally, not having a go at you Neil - ultimately, it's your
browser and you're obviously free to cosmetically rearrange it however
you please. Which at least Firefox, even post-Australis, still will
absolutely let you do.

These new UI wars amuse me, just like the Gnome-shell thing. It's
amazing how attached to old crap so many people are, whilst remaining
completely blind to the advantages that innovation can sometimes bring.

I like playing with new stuff personally.


*speaking of old crap, I hope that's a typo Tom:

Raring was EOL'd in January this year...

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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