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Re: [LUG] Backup in Linux


On 28/04/14 18:09, bad apple wrote:
On 27/04/14 23:13, Julian Hall wrote:
On 27/04/14 20:10, Julian Hall wrote:
Hi All,

I've been trying different GUI based programs for backup and had most
luck with 'luckyBackup', however it's not /that/ lucky because no
matter what Exclusions I give it, it keeps trying to add the content
of drives that are currently mounted when I've told it to exclude
them. I had a go with dd tonight but got this error after a few minutes:

sudo dd if=/dev/sda8 of=/media/julian/ARTEMIS/systembackup.img
dd: reading ‘/dev/sda8’: Input/output error
17130448+0 records in
17130448+0 records out
8770789376 bytes (8.8 GB) copied, 257.292 s, 34.1 MB/s

/dev/sda8 is the root of my Mint installation, ARTEMIS is a USB
external HD.

Should I try 'luckyBackup' again but with other drives unmounted?

Kind regards,


Many thanks to everyone who has replied to this, Grant, Kevin, Simon,
Gordon and bad apple.  The situation at present is;

bad apple was right.. I am/was running dd from the active installation,
and ermm.. no it didn't /seem/ to work.  The block comments from Gordon
explain why the img that did result is 8.8Gb when I don't have anything
near that used.. 8.8Gb is nearer the size of the partition not the
amount of data.  So, the USB drive now has an 8.8Gb img file that /may/
have my system in it, and two copies of my Mint installation, one from
luckyBackup - I did try doing that with the other partitions unmounted.
One copy in the backup.root directory that rsync created.

However, given that I was executing rsync from the running installation
I'm not sure even now if any of these are actually valid.  I'll try bad
apple's advice booting with a Live CD with Gordon's rsync instructions
and see what happens.

Kind regards,


Ok chief, hang on a sec here - you're kind of going off half cocked on
this, what you probably want to do is settle down for a bit, have a good
think about what you're actually trying to achieve and then make a plan.
At the moment you're sort of flailing around without a good
understanding of your tools or what your end goal is.

Tools first: "dd" is a program designed to be used offline to take
sequential, bit for bit copies of an entire partition or disk (it
actually stands for "disk dump"). You need to run it from a live
bootable media or from a dual boot OS that resides outside of the disk
or partition you intend to run dd from. dd is stupid, old fashioned and
doesn't understand things like compression or free space: if you dd an
entire 120Gb SSD, the resulting file will also be exactly 120Gb because
dd will blindly copy all the zeroes as well as the ones - this is by
design. dd is less commonly used as a backup tool and more in the
creation and movement of disk images for VMs, image deployment,
sysprepping, etc.

Rsync is a much newer and more sophisticated version of "cp" - it most
certainly can be run from within the system you are backing up whilst
'online' and understands things like file locking semantics, hard and
soft links, incremental versions, etc. In backup strategies, rsync is
usually the chief executable involved and there are countless tutorials,
scripts and howtos all over the internet on how to backup your system(s)
using rsync. It's almost definitely what you want to use for sane,
incremental file backups that are easily searchable and located at
somewhere convenient like /media/julian/ARTEMIS/my-rsync-backup-folder.
Analogous to this Windows has VSS (Volume Shadow-copy Services) and
Apple have TimeMachine which use pretty much identical methods for user

Pretty much all backup tools, commercial or FLOSS, use a combination of
these two approaches (frequently, even in the proprietary ones, they are
using *exactly* these two tools). For example, the commonly used Acronis
backup/imaging tool will offer to create either one-off bootable images
(dd) or standard differencing incremental filesystem backups that are
non-bootable but that contain complete copies of your user-defined file
trees to pluck individual files from at will (rsync). Whilst the details
might differ slightly, every single backup tool operates on these two
principles (excepting tar, the Tape ARchiver, which I will strategically
ignore here because there is no way you have a £2g+ LTO unit at home).

Here is how you want to use these two tools. I'll use my current
workstation here as an example, just because it's easy. Before too long,
I will have to stop being lazy and upgrade my Ubuntu 13.10 OS to 14.04.
Before I do that, as per usual I will take my backups (it's the one time
I relax my admittedly laissez faire attitude toward my own
not-actually-that-important stuff). In this workstation, I have:

sda: 120Gb SSD (GPT, one / partition, no swap, no separate /home)
sdb: 1Tb HDD (GPT, 4 partitions for win8.1 and minimal debian OS)
sdc: 1Tb HDD (GPT, Mac 10.9 install)
sdd: 2Tb HDD (MSDOS, 1 linux ext4 data partition for "stuff")
iscsi: multiple LUNs on SAN in garage, 30Tb+ usable

Before doing an in-place upgrade, which will probably not work too well,
I will boot my workstation from the decidedly minimal Debian OS that
lives on my machine at /dev/sdb[3,4]. From there, I will use dd to dump
an entire bit-for-bit perfect copy of my entire SSD containing Ubuntu to
either my data drive or the server downstairs:

sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/$BACKUP_PATH/failbot-ssd-28.04.2014.img

Because the SSD at /dev/sda isn't running an active OS at this point,
this will create for me a complete snapshot of my working system that
can be copied to other machines, cloned back to the SSD (thus
overwriting it) if my upgrade completely borks or run through a P2V, etc
process. As my boot drives' partitioning structure is unusually
simplistic (most people will have a /boot partition, swap space and
maybe a separate /home for a total of at least 4 partitions on their
linux install) the resulting image is actually surprisingly accessible:
to access files from it I can simply mount the entire image as a
loopback device and it will present itself as a single 120Gb filesystem
at an arbitrary mount point. For people with traditional, more complex
partitioning (aka: suckers), let alone people like yourself with dual or
tri-boot systems that may have 8 or more partitions on a single disk,
you can still access all the available files easily enough from your
dd-created image by using a tool such as kpartx that will automate the
correct loopback mount points:

sudo kpartx -l /media/ghost/btrfs/ssd-ubuntu-13.04-270114.dd
loop0p1 : 0 217665536 /dev/loop0 2048
loop0p2 : 0 2 /dev/loop0 217669630
loop0p5 : 0 16771072 /dev/dm-1 2

>From here, I can call mount to access the relevant loop0pX device and
get at my old data, although this is not what one might call
user-friendly or intuitive. Also bear in mind that I'm dealing here with
big fat all or nothing 120Gb entire disk images - unless you're made of
money, taking entire massively inefficient non-versioned images of your
entire boot drive is going to destroy your backup media capacity in very
short order. Really, you only ever want one on disk at any given point.
Of course, if you're not using a smallish SSD (and if not, why not?) as
your bootable OS drive you're immediately going to have bigger problems
- if you boot from a 4Tb HDD, obviously you're going to need at least
4Gb of backup space to hold that massive 4Gb dd image file, which is not
really a good plan. You can of course just dd individual partitions but
then you have the headache of making them bootable, remembering which
sdaX is which, etc.

So, on to rsync for more 'normal' backups. Rsync is an endlessly
versatile tool with a lot of options and a great man page that you
should *really* read before you set to work with it. On Unix, pretty
much every backup tool leverages it behind the scenes for the heavy
lifting so you might as well just cut out the middleman and use it
directly. Here is a one of the better tutorials on how to use it:


Rsync is ultimately just a clever version of "cp" that you can point at
almost any source and destination that will duplicate a file structure
for you. The result won't be a fully bootable complete image but will be
trivially searchable, easy to access without complex stuff like loopback
mounting and called from a script or cron, will take care of itself with
no user interaction and definitely no monkey business like booting from
a USB stick or backup OS install. This makes it, generally speaking, a
much more appealing solution than dd for average backup purposes.
Particularly via scripting or an apt-gettable backup program like
bacula, etc, rsync can even be fed a list of locations (/dev/pts),
filetypes (.tmp), mountpoints and so on that it should ignore completely
to avoid wasting space attempting to duplicate stuff you don't want or
need in your backups. This is definitely the path you want to go down
from here on in to maintain backups for your system.

Here is another psuedo-random link to a scripted, drop-in rsync approach
to full system backups:


This one is clever enough to follow user-defined space limitations, do
full incremental copies, save space using hard/soft links and scavenge
space by deleting old or duplicated files. You could do a lot worse than
having a good read through it, dropping it into testing for a week or
two and making sure you've got a reasonable handle on exactly what it's
doing before you make the leap to trusting it completely with your
somewhat critical task of saving your data from disaster. In your case,
you would probably want to nuke *all* of your old, crappy, probably not
functional 'backups' from your external USB drive to free up space,
create a new $BACKUP folder and then start synchronising via rsync the
important folders from your various operating systems (rsync can
certainly also backup your XP/Win7 files safely too by the way, as long
as they are mounted and accessible from the Mint install where you are
running the rsync script from). You probably really only want the
contents of your /home and maybe /etc and /var directories at most to be
copied - as long as your backups are good, in the case of disaster it's
almost inevitably quicker for a relatively experienced user to just
reinstall the OS from scratch and then copy the relevant files back into
position from backups than messing around with complete disk images.

Right, I hope all that makes sense - I didn't intend to write a screed
on backups but hey ho, I seem to have anyway. Some closing notes:

1: Easy, GUI-style backup tools are crap. Always. Don't use them.
2: The exception to rule 1 is Apple TimeMachine, which you can't use.
3: TEST YOUR BACKUPS BY RESTORING THEM. This should be rule 0 actually.

That's it really. There is actually another very highly used backup
method which I have purposely completely ignored here as it's much more
complicated, requires a ton more hardware and experience and is highly
unlikely to be of immediate use to you. In the enterprise, we use LVM,
BTRFS/ZFS or the built-in, usually highly proprietary methods available
in commerical filers, SANs, etc to do something called snapshotting.
Unless you want the headaches associated with modern-era COW
filesystems, commercial crapware like EMC and frighteningly ballooning
space and RAM requirements you should feel free to completely ignore
this path.

As usual, if you have any specific questions feel free to ask.


Another excellent tutorial I have copied into a text file for further reading and/or future reference - as I did with the Mint network upgrade one you did a while ago.

Many thanks for that!

You're right about my partitions too - currently I have:

Partition 1;
/dev/sda1 - Windows XP

Partition 3 (Extended partition);
/dev/sda5 - Windows 7
/dev/sda6 - Windows 'My Documents' partition.. saves losing the lot or having to muck about pulling the disk out and shoving it in a caddy if Windows faceplants and there is no choice but to reinstall
/dev/sda7 - Used for video files - not particularly needed to be backed up.
/dev/sda8 - Mint /
/dev/sda9 - Mint /home

1.4Mb space (? No idea what that's doing there but it's negligible so not worth messing about resizing partitions to gain it unless I'm doing something else as well)

Partition 3:
dev/sda2 - Linux swap space

As for where /dev/sda4 is - ummm... that blank space?  Not a clue.

In a nutshell then it would seem sensible to backup /dev/sda1, 5, 6, 8 and 9?

And yes.. they're all on one 1Tb hard disk. Probably not the greatest idea, therefore getting them backed up takes on a wee bit of urgency.

I hadn't thought of backing up the Windows installations from Mint - why I'm not quite sure, it seems obvious now :)

Kind regards,


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