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Re: [LUG] Fwd: Microsoft scam man is sentenced


On 01/04/14 23:17, Simon Avery wrote:
> I think these are an excellent use of technology and will help a lot of
> people who really dislike driving but do it out of necessity. The next
> few years will pose some interesting questions of the law, insurance and
> social expectations. As in - if the car is driving, why can't you be
> drunk in it? Why can't you send your kids to school in the car while you
> go to work? Why can't I, as a walker who doesn't like retracing my
> steps, send my car on a few miles ahead and park itself, then tell me
> where it is? (Actually, Volvo are working on this already)

A million times this! I never learnt to drive and don't plan to either.
But when the first true self driving car hits the market I will be
running, not walking, to be the first to get one... providing I can sit
behind where the wheel would ordinarily be with a stiff scotch in my
hand. What's the point in a self driving car if I can't just treat it
like a taxi, but one without an annoying human driver I have to pay
(added bonus, the computer will almost definitely be a better driver
than any human anyway, and won't 'entertain' me during my journey with
casual racism).

If I can't peacefully fall asleep behind the wheel of my driverless car
on a long night journey then there really wasn't any point in buying one
as far as I'm concerned. The same goes for a good bottle of wine or two
with the missus whilst the car drives us to London.

I'm not even particularly worried about privacy implications for once,
I'd put up with them for something this cool. Hurry up Google.


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