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Re: [LUG] facebook group


On 28 December 2013 10:38, Grant Phillips-Sewell <dcglug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Do not use Facebook.
> Eion MacDonald

Hi Eion,

Was that an instruction or a  statement?

It was the Voice Of Reason (and a Victory For Common Sense).

What would be really cool, and walking our talk, would be to set up our own Diaspora "pod". Diaspora gives a very FB-like experience, minus the exploitation and surveillance and central control, by "federating" the decentralized network of autonomous "pods".


Did I just volunteer? OK, if anybody can provide me with a sudo-enabled shell account on a suitable virtual server somewhere (debian-esque for preference), with a solid offsite backup regime already in place, I'll take on setup and admin as an ongoing responsibility. I'd like to have a "sleeping" deputy with full access as a precaution. The DCGLUG group will be one of the first things set up. It's then up to each member to choose whether to propagate their individual posts to FB, Twitter etc. Diaspora supports cross-posting to other services as a per-post, per-server option. In other words, you can (but you don't have to) send any post you make on Diaspora simultaneously to FB and/or Twitter. You also can (but don't have to) limit each post's visibility within Diaspora to arbitrarily fine-grained groups or sub-groups that you set up yourself or subscribe to.

Phil Hudson                  http://hudson-it.no-ip.biz
@UWascalWabbit                 PGP/GnuPG ID: 0x887DCA63
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